I Suck At This Blog Thing

Boy, am I sucking at this blog thing. I headed into the blog world with high hopes and expectations that I was never going to shup up. My mind was, and is, so full of ideas and I have so much that I’d like to share. Problem is, I lack the discipline to set aside time to do it. Seems like I lack a lot of discipline. I seem to be more of a sprinter – charging all in, then running out of steam fast.
No, not a sprinter. I’m more of a Sunday driver, or tourist. I head out in one direction then get side-tracked and meander around taking the scenic route.
Come to think of it, the scenic route isn’t so bad, I kind of enjoy it. So, I’ll find my way back to the blogging thing, but first I just need to go check out the sites along Facebook Highway and Twitter Lane.