Saying Goodbye and Letting it Go – Well, Maybe
It’s time to say “Goodbye” to a piece of my life. That piece includes the last two bits of my business – MuseTech Web. Those pieces are my email – – and my website –

I retired almost five years ago. A couple of years ago I took all my old customer files and burned them. It was a lot of burning – about 5 boxes of files – but have hung onto the website and my email.
I know why I hung onto my email address. It was used in a lot of online accounts and there were people that still used it to get hold of me. Over the years I finally have changed the email on all my online accounts and have notified friends of my new email address. Now, I only get spam mail in it, so it is time to turn it off.
It’s been a lot harder to get to a point where I am ready to turn off my website. I went through every page of my website the other day and felt how much I loved the site, especially the home page. Today it hit me that I think it’s hard to turn it off because I put so much of my creative self and love into each-and-every website I built. As I looked back on all the projects I was involved in, I still love the look of all of them. For me, they were all works of art. Some of those sites are still out there, but, and technology and needs have grown, many have transitioned to something new.
It’s time to move forward and to turn it off.
Had a new “heart” thought on my way to having coffee with the girls about my previous statement, “For me, they were all works of art.” I don’t want to turn them off, I want to keep them on as a sort of gallery of my techy creative works.
I’m still going to shut down the email address but I’m not going to turn the website off. I’m going to keep it on, with a few minor updates, such as taking any links to those sites out because many have changed or have done dark themselves.
So, feel free to explore my Tech Gallery of Art at
UPDATE: February 1, 2025
I’ve decided to go ahead and shut the website down. It is now just a memory from my past life experiences.