Searching For James York
Hoping To Meet My Biological Father
Update – I Found My Biological Father – Read More
[The information below is what was on a website I had at After finding my biological dad, I took that website down.]

When I was 13 years old I found out that my biological father was a man named James (Gaylord) York. The man I thought was my father was an abusive alcoholic that beat my mother. When I found out that he wasn’t my real father all I said was, “Thank God!”
Mom had saved a couple of pictures of my father. The above picture was when he was around 22-23 years old, she thinks, but he could have been closer to 27/28 when it was taken. The picture of me was taken when I was 20-21 years old. I think that I look a great deal like him.
I wonder what he was like. I wonder were he is now. I know that he has a son 2-3 years older than I am. I wish I could meet my brother and any other half siblings that I may have.
I’ve created this website in hopes that someone who knew or knows my biological father will see it and help bring us together.
Please check out the information below and email me at if anything sounds familiar.
Thanks for taking time out of your day to help, I truly appreciate it.
What I Know About James Gaylord York
Below are pieces of the story of my mom, Patsy, and my biological father, James (Jimmy) Gaylord York, as shared with me by my mom.
In the first part of 1956 my mom left her abusive husband and drove to Grand Junction, Colorado, where her father lived. She got a job as a waitress at Gay Johnson’s Restaurant in Grand Junction. She met my father while waiting tables in June or July 1956.
James moved from Kentucky (or possibly Tennessee) and was working in Grand Junction with his father, who contracted out in sheetrock and plastering. He also lived with his father in Grand Junction.
He had been recently divorced from a woman named Liz, probably short for Elizabeth. He and Liz had a son that was born early to mid 1950s and remained in Kentucky/Tennessee with Liz after the divorce.
Around September 1956, when mom was about three months pregnant, she and James were in Dayton, Ohio. At one time my mom told me that because of a threat my grandmother made to have her baby taken away from her, she left James and went back to her husband.
James did not know that she was leaving, but did know that she was pregnant. Mom thinks that he may have went back to Kentucky or Tennessee, where she thinks he had family.
My aunt told me that he called her after I was born and knew he had a daughter.
Additional items that my mom shared:
- Mom believes his middle name is Gaylord
- Birthday may have been in February
- He was born late 1920s to early 1930s
- Thought he was born in Murfreesboro, Tennessee
- Black hair
- Eyes were probably blue
- Around 5’8″ tall
- May have served in the US Navy in the early 1950s
- His parents were also divorced
- His father may have also been named James
If anything sounds familiar, please email me at

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