Resources and Recommendations
This page is to share Resources and Recommendations for Books, Products, Software and Technology, and Who to Follow.
Take the Stairs: 7 Steps to Achieving True Success
by Rory Vaden — This is one of my favorite business and personal development books. Rory Vaden does not dazzle you with BS; instead, he tells you how it actually is. Succeeding in business takes work and you will not be disappointed by what you read here.
Taken from Amazon’s description: Do you ride the escalator-or take the stairs? No matter how you define success, it always requires one thing: self-discipline. But as popular speaker and strategist Rory Vaden explains, we live in an “escalator world”-one that’s filled with shortcuts, quick fixes, and distractions that make it all too easy to slide into procrastination, compromise, and mediocrity. What seems like an easier path is really much harder in the end-and, most important, it won’t take you where you want to go.
Resurrected Mind by Nancy Jensen with Susan McAllister — For a great, heartwarming read, Resurrected Mind will fill the bill. I may be slightly partial since it is my first Kindle book formatting project, but it brought out many emotions in me as I read it while doing the work.
Taken from Amazon’s description: This true story of a courageous family that goes to amazing lengths to find cutting edge medical answers is a page-turner. You will find yourself laughing out loud and weeping silently as the Jensen family searches desperately to find answers to help their son, Jesse.
Reinventing You: Define Your Brand, Imagine Your Future
by Dory Clark — I’ve been following the common-sense posts and podcasts of Dory Clark for quite awhile now and when I saw the title of her book, Reinventing You, I was struck with interest immediately. I have reinvented myself many times over the years and this book gives you step-by-step information on making reinvention a smoother transition.
Taken from Amazon’s description: Are you where you want to be professionally? Whether you want to advance faster at your present company, change jobs, or make the jump to a new field entirely, the goal is clear: to build a career that thrives on your unique passions and talents. But to achieve this in today’s competitive job market, it’s almost certain that at some point you’ll need to reinvent yourself professionally. Consider this book your road map for the next phase of your career journey.
I Lost My Best Friend Today: Dealing with the loss of a beloved pet
by Judy Wright — I have been working with a friend and colleague on her many websites and she has delved into the field of pet loss grief counseling through her Death of My Pet website. Judy Wright has many books, but this book is one of her best sellers.
Taken from the Amazon description: No one wants to lose their pet. No one gets an animal anticipating the death of that companion. But the fact is, pets are lost to accidents, disease, old age or they simply wander off and never come home. It’s finding ways to deal with the grief that will help you during the difficult time of losing your best friend.
I am at the computer many hours a day and have come across these stand-up desk products that can be used to help with those long desk hours.
Furinno Adjustable/Portable Laptop Computer Desk This portable computer stand is one that I use every day. I purchased two of them so that I could put my laptop on one and my keyboard on the other. I can easily move my laptop and keyboard down during times I want to sit down, especially when I need more control, such as when I’m working on graphics.
Mobile Ergonomic Stand Up Desk Computer Workstation
For a more permanent, yet affordable, option – this innovative standing desk will promote better posture, reduced back and neck pain, a thinner waist line and increased productivity. With this affordable stand up computer desk its easy to achieve long lasting health benefits like burning more daily calories, boosted productivity, improved posture and a reduced risk of heart problems. The desk can be positioned at multiple heights from sitting to standing.
TrekDesk Treadmill Desk
Too busy to work out on a daily basis? Turn to the TrekDesk treadmill desk (treadmill not included), which encourages you to walk slowly on a treadmill while you talk to clients, type up proposals, or catch up on your email. This desk is designed to attach to most existing treadmills. A treadmill desk can help encourage a total overhaul of your mental and physical well-being. Not only does it encourage weight loss, disease prevention, and overall physical health, but it also improves your mood and increases your productivity. Walking on a treadmill can decrease your stress levels and help keep you happier.
Software and Technology:
I set up lots of websites with WordPress. To help keep my clients’ sites secure, I discovered Wordfence. It is a free WordPress plugin with many great features. You can also upgrade to the premium version for an affordable rate. The main thing I love about this plugin is that it emails me when something on my site needs updated, if someone logs into my site, and if a file has been changed. If you have a WordPress site, give the free version a try.
Who to Follow:
We have all signed up to get emails from one source or another and then become disenchanted with them after awhile. Below are people and website I have been following or receiving their enewsletters for a long time and still don’t regret signing up with them. I hope you find some of these resources helpful in your business or life.
Marie Forleo — I have watched Marie TV and have received Marie’s weekly emails for a few years now. She has sound, business savvy advice and explains it in easy-to-understand terms. This is one of the most fun and energetic people to follow – you won’t be sorry.