Ready For Christmas 2010
I’m ready for Christmas. Anyway, I was ready before Christmas day, I just didn’t get the time to post my video. I blame it on my daughter, Jennifer. When I was pregnant with her, she was 10 days late in arriving and I’ve been running late ever since. However, I believe that you should complete something you start, if at all possible, so here is my pre-Christmas video.

I like to put my Christmas decorations up right after Thanksgiving and take them down right after Christmas. For those that keep up their decorations up until after the New Year, good for you. But for me, the holiday is over and I’m ready to prepare for the New Year. After all, life gets busy again after the first.
As of December 27th, my house was Christmas free. Now I’m ready to relax until the New Year when I get back to work.
JoAnn ; }