Self Improvement

  • Saying Goodbye and Letting it Go – Well, Maybe

    It’s time to say “Goodbye” to a piece of my life. That piece includes the last two bits of my business – MuseTech Web. Those pieces are my email – – and my website – I retired almost five years ago. A couple of years ago I took all my old customer files and burned them. It was a lot of burning – about 5 boxes of files – but have hung onto the website and my email. I know why I hung onto my email address. It was used in a lot of online accounts and there were people that still used it to get hold of…

  • My Beautiful Rainbow World

    A Beautiful World

    When I was a teenager in the mid 70’s, I just got out of my car and started walking up Main Street in my home town of Grand Junction, Colorado, when I saw the most beautiful, little 3-4 year-old-girl. I’d never seen a child with such beautiful hair, coloring and features. Her parents were a young mixed-race couple, both beautiful individuals, but their child could melt your heart. At that time in Grand Junction and the surrounding communities, the population consisted of, mainly, Caucasians then Hispanics. There were very, very, very few Asians or Blacks. At my high school, Central High just outside of town, I could count the number…

  • My cluttered life and mind in my pantry.

    It’s Done – The Pantry Has Been Cleaned Out

    I finally did it, I cleaned the pantry out. It may not seem like much, but it is a milestone in my moving forward with living and not just doing. Oh I’m still doing, doing, doing, but now there is a small corner of doing that I just lifted off my shoulders. The weekend after my last post, Jim pulled our 90 gallon trash can to the back door and I pulled out a couple of folding tables, set them up in the dining room and living room, and then proceeded to take everything out of the pantry that didn’t belong. I put sewing and craft items that I wanted…

  • My cluttered life and mind in my pantry.

    It’s Time to Clean Out the Pantry

    Yes, this is my pantry. There are bits and pieces of my life scattered and stored on the shelves. There’s a sewing machine and a few sewing supplies, some craft supplies, yarns and baskets, office supplies, a foot soaker, picture frames, wrapping paper, a couple of kites, paint, glue, cleaning supplies, games, paper towels and TP, stuff for the motor home, a couple of old badmitten rackets, extension cords, cook books, cards, light bulbs, photos, an extra chair, folding tables and chairs, a little bit of food, and more miscellaneous stuff. My pantry is also indicative of my life, cluttered. Normally, when you think of clutter, you think of stuff…