Hello world, it’s my first blog!
This is my very first personal blog. I’ve been going to research and set one up for years, but have been “too busy” to get it done. Seems like I’m too busy for lots of the things I’d like to do. I can’t tell you the number of unfinished projects I have stored. All things I love doing but am “too busy” to get to.
Well, it’s about time I started doing the things I enjoy doing. As time goes by, I’ll introduce you to those things and let you help me on my determination to take the time to enjoy my life instead of working so much.
I hope to blog at least once a week, but may find things to talk about a couple times a day. I still have to add info to my About page and will be adding a couple of additional pages in the future.
As for now, I’ve just begun.
Come on back for a visit anytime.
JoAnn ; }

yolanda quaid
I like your post and I got your Christmas letter. It was very nice. I wish I took pictures like you. I look back at the years gone by and regret not taking pictures of my family.
JoAnn Candelaria
Hey Sis, Glad you like it. As for pictures, chalk it up to digital cameras. You can take a dozen shots and probably get at least one that isn’t blurry. There is also photo editing that is very handy. On my letter, the photo of Jim and his mom and sister, I had to take Pat’s head off another photo and replace it on this photo. Neither of the two pictures I took of them was good, so I had to make a good photo. Love you. – JoAnn ; }